
Fire Emblem Fates Birthright USA


Tactical role-playing


Nintendo 3DS





Fire Emblem Fates Birthright USA303 Downloads


Nintendo 3DS

Fire Emblem Fates Birthright USA

Fire Emblem Fates Birthright USA

Fire Emblem Fates Birthright USA you as a kidnapped noble of Hoshido who has been reunited with the family you were born into, waging war against the kingdom who kidnapped you and raised you as a child, Nohr. Though you do spend the majority of time fighting battles against Nohr, your character’s main goal is to bring about peace between the two kingdoms – but life doesn’t always go according to plan.

Birthright is a surprisingly dark tale, even grimmer than Awakening, with tragic moments that filled me with anger and sadness as I watched my poor protagonist and her siblings undergo trials and lose friends. The story is certainly in the mold of a classic adventure that pits good against evil, but it tethered me emotionally to my band of heroes, misfits, and adopted loners, which made the hard parts of the story devastating and the victories that much more meaningful.[1]

Gameplay – Fire Emblem Fates Birthright USA

In Fire Emblem Fates, the player begins by customizing the main character. Their gender, appearance, and name can be changed to the player’s preference. At the game’s beginning, there are three difficulties: Normal, Hard, and Lunatic. There are also modes that dictate the fate of characters in battle should they be defeated. In Classic Mode, a fallen unit is subject to permanent death, a recurring mode in the Fire Emblem series that removes fallen characters from the rest of the game. Casual Mode enables units to be revived at the end of a battle. The new Phoenix mode revives units on the following player turn.[7][8] Each version of Fates is focused around a different gameplay style. 

Synopsis – Fire Emblem Fates Birthright USA

Setting and characters – Fire Emblem Fates Birthright USA

Further information: List of Fire Emblem Fates characters

Fates is primarily set in the territories of the kingdoms of Hoshido and Nohr. Their royalty share a similar line of descent from ancient dragons, but each kingdom worships different dragon deities, and so exist in a state of war. Little do they know that there is also another dragon deity; the dragon Anankos, ruler of the kingdom of Valla. This realm is located under the Bottomless Canyon which separates Hoshido and Nohr. Anankos has usurped the throne of Valla and is intentionally provoking war between the two kingdoms.[21] 

Plot – Fire Emblem Fates Birthright USA

After coming of age, Corrin is sent by Garon to inspect a Hoshidan fortress above the Bottomless Canyon. However, one of Garon’s men, Hans, provokes a battle with the Hoshidans and throws Corrin’s mentor Gunter into the Canyon. Corrin is found and captured by Hoshidan soldiers, who recognize them as a long-lost member of the Hoshidan royal family. Corrin is brought to meet their blood relatives and Azura at the capital city. However, soldiers attack the city and a hooded assassin attempts to kill Corrin. Mikoto shields them at the cost of her life. In the aftermath, Corrin comes into possession of a legendary sword called Yato, said to belong to the one who will save the world.

Love Interests – Fire Emblem Fates Birthright USA

First Generation – Fire Emblem Fates Birthright USA

Second Generation – Fire Emblem Fates Birthright USA

Reception – Fire Emblem Fates Birthright USA

Reception – Fire Emblem Fates Birthright USA

Metacritic86/100 (Birthright)[69]
87/100 (Conquest)[70]
88/100 (Revelation)[71]
88/100 (All versions)[72]
Destructoid8.5/10 (Birthright)[73]
9.5/10 (Conquest)[73]
9/10 (Revelation)[74]
Electronic Gaming Monthly8/10[75]
Famitsu36/40 (Birthright/Conquest)[77]
Game Informer9.25/10 (Birthright/Conquest)[81][82]
8/10 (Revelation)[83]
GameSpot8/10 (Birthright)[78]
7/10 (Conquest)[79]
9/10 (Revelation)[80]
IGN9.4/10 (Birthright)[85]
9.5/10 (Conquest/Revelation)[10][86]
Nintendo World Report9.5/10[87]

The different versions of Fates received high scores on aggregate site MetacriticBirthright scored 86/100 based on thirty-five critic reviews.[69]

Fire Emblem Fates Birthright USA Soundtracks

1. Track 1

2. Track 2

3. Track 3

4. Track 4

5. Track 5

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