
Important information to consider before downloading roms or emulators from Wikiroms: Our primary objective is to preserve classic arcade games by creating an archive. Our aim is to prevent the loss of arcade ROMs and establish a repository for obsolete retro games that are no longer commercially available. Additionally, we strive to facilitate connections between emulator developers and provide a platform for users to conveniently discover emulators for their preferred consoles or systems. It is crucial to note that Wikiroms unequivocally opposes piracy and instead advocates for the purchase of contemporary games to support the efforts of developers and creators. 

If Wikiroms receives a notification regarding intellectual work or copyrighted material, we will carefully review it and make every effort to resolve the issue. To ensure that we take the notification seriously, we kindly request the following documents to be included with the complaint:  

  • Clearly identify and specify the material that belongs to you or that you are representing and provide the URLs of the pages where it is located.  
  • Please provide contact information for us to reach you, as well as the location of the company representing the copyrighted material.  
  • Include any legal documents that confirm your ownership of the material in question.  
  • Lastly, please provide an authorization signature.  

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